For Acne Vulgaris, Pimples with Pain and Pustules, Eczema
Dr Bakshi Baksons B 25Acne Drops
Indication of Baksons B 25Acne Drops
Skin diseases, Pimples, Recurrent boils, Insect Bites, rough and scaly skin, Rash at puberty, Acne, Boils
Other Indications of Baksons B 25Acne Drops
It treats inflammatory conditions of Sebaceous glands and hair follicles of skin.
It can used for black heads, white heads, comedones.
Action of Ingredients used in B25 drops
Ammonium brom. 12x: Pains are biting and burning with redness of skin and burning. Discharges that cause ulcerations.
Bromium 12x: It helps in acne, pimples and pustules, boils on arms and face.
Hepar sulph 30x: It helps the skin to clear faster. Key remedy for teen and adult acne.
Juglans reg 30x: Comedones and acne of the face. Crusta lactea, with soreness around ears. Itching and eruptions of small red pustules. Scalp red, and itches violently at night.
Kalium brom 12x: Moist eruptions with slightly elevated, smooth, red patches, like urticaria, but with hardened bases, like erythema nodosum, itching at night in bed and in a high temperature, appearing winter are well treated by kali bromatum.
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