Relieve Haemorrhoid, Anal Fissures pain & Itching with/without Bleeding
Indication of B9 Hemorrhoidal Drops
Relieves Painful, Bleeding and Burning Piles and Anal Fissures, Shrinks Piles Mass.
Other Indications of B9 Hemorrhoidal Drops
Relieves piles (blind/bleeding), fissures of anus, worm infestation.
Itching or irritation in your anal region
Action of Ingredients used in Dr. Bakshi B9 drops
Acidum nitr. 6x: Pains appear and disappear quickly, Hemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright.
Aesculus hip. 2x: An excellent remedy for hemorrhoids. Venous stasis. Hemorrhoids. Rectum feels full of small sticks. Burning in anus with chills up and down the back. Hemorrhoids blind or bleeding.
Collinsonia can. 6x: Congestions; pelvic; reflex from or combined with hemorrhoids, especially cardiac. Rectum with Sensation of sharp sticks or sand in rectum, with cardiac pains. Sense of constriction.
Graphites 8x: Burning hemorrhoids, Smarting, sore anus, itching with fissure of anus.
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