For Sore throat, bodyache, Dry Cough, Lowers Mild to High Temperature
Dr. Bakshi Baksons B1 Drops Influenza & Fever
Influenza is a viral infection, commonly people call it as Flu. The flu causes a fever, body aches, a headache, a dry cough, and a sore or dry throat. It includes malaise, bodyache and muscular soreness as well.
Indications of B1 Drops
Sore throat, cough with bodyache.
Other Indications of B1 Drops
Runny nose, Rise of body temperature
Headache associated with nasal congestion.
Action of Ingredients used in Dr. Bakshi B1 drops
Eupatorium perf. 3x: Coryza, with sneezing. Influenza, with great soreness of muscles and bones. Chronic loose cough, chest sore.
Ferrum phos. 8x: Chill with thirst. Heat with thirstlessness. Pulse full, short, quick flowing. Used for sudden high rise of temperature due to exposure to cold air or cold drinks, over exertion.
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