Used in Delayed & Difficult Dentition, Improves appetite & digestion
Bakson Biochemic Combination 21
BC 21- Teething Troubles
Teething refers to the phase when baby gets the first set of teeth during infancy or early childhood.
Erupted through the gums, the first set of teeth is known as primary teeth or milky teeth. Teething usually begins when baby is around 6 months of age. The age at which an infant begins to get teeth may vary and teething may begin in some infants as young as 3 months.
The area of the gums may become inflamed and sensitive as the tooth erupts through the gums. There may be soreness or swelling in the gums, due to which baby may feel discomfort during teething.
Some of the symptoms of teething can be; drooling more than usual that can cause a rash on the chin, face or chest, biting or chewing things to help relieve the pressure in their gums, refuses to eat and drink, disrupted eating and sleeping patterns, brief periods of irritability and fussiness, Swelling in gums and sensitivity, mild fever.
Indication of Bakson Biochemic Combination 21
Tardy dentition, children who are crying, obstinate, peevish during dentition,is relieved with help of Bakson Biochemic Combination 21
Improves appetite and digestion, thus helps build body.
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