For heart tonic ,chest pain , anxiety & alcohol abuse
Adel Pekana Diacord Gold Drops
Indications of Adel Pekana Diacord Gold Drops
Heart Complaints, Extremely Rapid and Irregular Pulse
Palpitation, Angina Pectoris and Anxiety
Nervous Heart due to emotional upset or stress
Fainting, Fatigue, Heart Throbbing
General Tiredness and Restlessness
Action of Ingredients in Adel Pekana Diacord Gold Drops
Valeriana helps in restless and wakeful persons and provides neutral feelings through this homoeopathic stuff. In hypochondrias, it calms the nervousness, abates the excitement of the circulation, removes the wakefulness, and promotes sleep.
Aether sulfuricus is a well tried ananeptic medicine, acting against powerlessness, collapse and appearances of hysteria. It works together with the other medicines in a smooth manner.
Aurum chlor Natacts against high blood pressure and other heart liver dysfunctions and irregular mood.
Stropanthus protects from failing compensation due to fatty heart, angina pectoris, collapse and circulatory debility. It helps irritable heart of tobacco smokers and drinkers. It regulates nervous palpitation and irregularity in breathing.
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