For Ear pain, Otitis, Ear Discharge, Infection of ear, Excessive Wax
Hapdco Ferronol Ear Drops
Indication of Hapdco Ferronol Ear Drops
Pain in the ear
Difficulty in hearing
Toothache causing ear complaints.
Acute and chronic otitis media.
Eustachian catarrh due to common cold or tonsillitis.
Earache due to impacted wax.
Ingredients used in Hapdco Ferronol Ear Drops
Mullein Oil
Action of Ingredients used in Hapdco Ferronol Ear Drops
Mullein Oil: Helps when wax, water or other discharge accumulates in the ear.
Graphites: Dryness of inner ear. Cracking in ears when eating. Hardness of hearing. Hissing in the ears.
Chamommilla: Ringing in ears. Earache, with soreness; swelling, Stitching pain. Ears feel stopped.
Belladonna: Tearing pain in middle and external ear. Humming noises. Throbbing and beating pain deep in ear.
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