For Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Facial Scars and Unhealthy Skin
About Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream:
Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream is recommended for treating acne (pimples), blackheads, pitting and scarring on the face and unhealthy skin. This acne treatment cream meets all requirements and offers a permanent solution to all acne-related issues. It has zero side effects or reactions post-usage. It is used when the skin has dark spots or scars due to acne or any other conditions. It has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Also, it is beneficial for dry or damaged skin as it greatly heals, soothes, and softens skin. It can also be used as a natural antiseptic ointment.
Wash the face with water and mild soap
Dry your face
Apply Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream on the skin in a circular motion of fingertips
Leave it overnight
Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream packs a blend of natural and herbal ingredients in a way to help to get great skin without any blemishes or acne or marks. Following are its ingredients:
Thuja occidentalis: Thuja Occidentalis (a native European tree) is widely recognized in Homeopathy for its main action on the skin as it addresses skin problems like psoriasis and infectious skin diseases, warts, etc. Thuja Occidentalis has volatile oil with 60% thujone, flavinoids, wax, mucilage and tannins which have specific anti-bacterial and anti-viral actions. stimulates the circulation of blood below the skin and nourishes the skin.
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