Causes and symptoms for Bakson Stillingia Sylvatica
Soreness of muscles all over, feels as if he had taken a severe cold.
For complaints of respiratory tract, nodular swelling, liver complaints and constipation.
Pain in the cranial bones and the headaches indicates Stillingia Sylvatica
In cough of the hoarse, barking type, Stillingia Silvatica is an indicated remedy.
Hoarseness and dry spasmodic cough, or cough may be loose, Dryness is a common feature,
It helps removing nodes on the forehead, tibia, and elsewhere, and arrested caries of the nasal bones.
On micturating, sharp pain in glans extending up urethra, is relieved with Stillingia Sylvatica.
Ulcers with chronic eruptions on hands and fingers. Enlarged cervical glands and nodular swelling.
Enlargement of tibia to such a degree as to deprive the child of all power of motion
Mind and head
Dull and stupid, gloomy forebodings, in frontal region a feeling as of a heavy substance pressing on brain,
becoming sharp and darting, almost unendurable. Bone swellings in head and forehead. Persistent dull headache in vertex.
Eyes and nose
Sharp darting pain over left eye, lachrymation of both eyes, especially after reading.
Burning in left ear in evening with vesicular eruptions indicates Stillingia Silvatica.
Sharp burning sensation in right nostril with necrosis of nasal bone.
Mouth and throat
It is useful in neuralgic toothache, dryness of mouth indicates Stillingia Silvatica.
Tickling sensation in trachea in evening which causes dry, spasmodic cough.
Heat in mouth and fauces, Intense burning in fauces and throat extending to stomach, worse on any attempt to swallow
Complaints of colic, severe cramps, regurgitation of ingested food.
Violent smarting burning through whole length of urethra is relieved with this remedy.
Sharp shooting pains in both arms, burning-itching of legs
Periostitis and nodes of tibia, soreness of muscles all over, feels as if he had taken a severe cold.
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