Causes & Symptoms for Viola Tricolor
In obstinate skin diseases, Tinea capitis with frequent involuntary urination.
Impetigo of hairy scalp and face in children and adult females.
Swelling and induration of cervical glands.
Large boils all over body, for eczema in childhood and nocturnal emission
Mind and Head
Great sensitiveness, inclination to scold, and combativeness.
Walking causes vertigo, stitches through chest and abdomen, Open air better headache
Heaviness of head, which draws it backwards, principally when getting up, better by stooping.
Thick incrustations, pouring out a large quantity of thick, yellow fluid, which mats the hair.
Eyes, ear, nose
Smarting and incisive and itching shootings in eye
Scabs on face with burning itching, especially at night, also behind ears.
Mouth and Throat
Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with sensation of dryness. Swallowing difficult and very painful
Stomach and abdomen
Stitches and cutting pain in abdomen.
Urinary complaints
Stitches in the urethra.
Urine smelling like cat’s urine is a keynote. Involuntary seminal discharges, with vivid dreams.
Male complaints
Itching stitches in scrotum.
Female complaints
Painful pustules on labia.
Neck and Bac
Swelling of glands of neck, painful pustules in axillae, jerking of muscles in calves.
Articular rheumatism with itch-like eruption round the joints.
Ulcers with violent itching. Eruption over face, Disturbed sleep, with frequent waking. Dry scabs over the whole body.
Hands twitch and are clenched in sleep
The symptoms are worse By pressure on side opposite to painful side.
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