Causes & Symptoms for SBL Cholesterinum
Burning pains in the liver region on the right side, has to hold with hands while walking as it hurts indicates Cholesterinum
Frequent attacks of gall-stones, involving liver and region of stomach.
It is almost a specific remedy for gall-stone colic, relieves the distress at once.
Liver disorders, has been relieved by Cholesterinum
Also useful to lower down the cholesterol levels which are raised.
Mind and Head
Obstinate in nature, cannot tolerate contradiction
Cholesterinum is useful in Headache associated with biliary complaints.
Stomach and Abdomen:
Marked acidity of stomach indicates this medicine.
Burning pain in side tends to hold his hand on side while walking indicates Cholesterinum
Cholesterinum relieves the distress caused by gall bladder stone, pushing pains in the bile duct.
Region of liver sore, sensitive to touch or jar,Bending or any sudden motion aggravates.
Very weak, unable to breathe deeply indicates this medicine.
Cholesterinum is also useful in the inflammatory conditions of the organs like Pancreas, liver, gall bladder.
Complaints that are worse after touch or jar lying on side, bending or sudden motion and better from rest indicates Cholesterinum
Conditions, where the diagnosis is in doubt, especially if the patient has been subjected to repeated attacks of biliary colic, Cholesterinum works good.
In conditions of over growth of tissues and glands, the medicine is useful.
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