ADEL Ferrum Metallicum Dilution is a homoeopathic medicine that may help manage headaches, oversensitiveness, blood circulation ailments, and palpitation. This medicine is made from powdered iron and is a rich dietary iron source. It can help manage excess sweating, anaemia and weak pulse. It may help heal severe headaches associated with a ringing sensation in the ears before menses. It may help manage many stomach-related issues such as appetite, gastric concerns, nausea, vomiting, frequent belching with small vomit, sore abdomen, and burning in the stomach. It may help in regulating scanty or irregular menses.
Key Ingredients:
Powdered iron of iron ore
Key Benefits:
It may help in managing anaemia and helps the body absorb iron more efficiently
It may provide relief from a chronic headaches, and related tenderness in the ears, jaw and skin
It can help in improving blood circulation
It may help in managing the condition of palpitation and weak pulse
It may provide relief from different types of headaches and congestion along with pain in jaws and teeth
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