Causes & Symptoms for Aurum muriaticum
Heart symptoms, glandular affection; warts on tongue and genitals is relieved with Aurum muriaticum
Valuable in climacteric. Diseases of frontal sinus. The glands and parts inflamed become indurated.
Many complaints are associated with cardiac disease. Burning pains in many parts is relieved with Aurum muriaticum.
Pains are tearing, drawing, pressing and stitching, particularly valuable in hemorrhages at climacteric.
Warts appear in various parts on the tongue, on the genitals.
Mind and Head
Weariness, aversion to all work, sensitive to noise, starting when spoken to is an indication to Aurum muriaticum.
Weeping and aversion to his occupation.Extremely anxious with palpitation, Extreme mental and physical restlessness
Dwells upon his broken health, Constant burning in whole head, worse left side.
Eyes, ear, nose
Neuralgic pains in left eye, chronic inflammation of margins of lids is relieved with Aurum muriaticum.
Burning and itching behind ears worse night.Music relieves the ear symptoms. Eczema behind the ears.
Tingling, burning, and itching in nose, redness and inflammation, with itching,sensation of stoppage, yellow pus.
Mouth and Throat
Frequent desire to swallow, increased saliva. Ulcer of the lips is relieved with Aurum muriaticum.
Painful swelling of the submaxillary gland.
Stomach and abdomen
Drawing feeling in stomach. Slow digestion. Swelling of inguinal glands.
Burning, cutting, stitching in stomach, cramps.Burning in the liver. Tight feeling in the region of the liver.
Drawing pains and distension from gases. Great tenderness of abdomen is relieved with Aurum muriaticum.
A heavy ring of warts around the anus with copious moisture. Fig warts of the anus with ulceration.
Stool and Anus
Hemorrhoids, bleeding during stool with pain in bowels.
Urinary complaints
Albumin in the urine is an indication of Aurum muriaticum.
Male complaints
Exhausting erections. Drawing along spermatic cord.
Female complaints
Heat and itching in vagina. Burning stitching of vulva. Chronic inflammation of uterus and ovaries.
Inflammation of the bone and periosteum; caries, exostosis, trembling of the hands in the morning
Caries of the joints with nightly boring and gnawing pains. Stiffness of arms and fingers.
Swelling of the wrists, tearing pains in middle finger after meals.
It has many bone symptoms and pains and they are worse at night. Cold, wet weather ameliorates.
Warm air, warm bed, warm room, warm wraps, becoming warm even in open air, and warmth in general aggravates the general feeling.
Exertion and walking increase many symptoms. Drawing pains in various parts, especially the extremities.
Fullness of the veins all over the body is a strong feature of this remedy
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