When you have concentration problems, it can be hard to keep your attention on something for a long period of time. Because of this you start to avoid tasks that demand a long attention span. Bach flowers help you to maintain your attention longer on certain tasks or assignments.
Others have probably told you before that you are quite absent minded. Sometimes you seem absent and you don’t notice the things that are going on around you. In that moment you are being held up in your own fantasy world. Bach flowers mix 42 helps you to get back to earth, and to live in the here and now.
Forgetting and losing
It’s very typical for you to forget things such as keys, documents, books or other stuff. This is because you have a careless way to deal with things. Bach flowers mix 42 helps you to keep your mind on things, so you know where stuff is and loose it less often.
Concentration problems
When you are working on something you are easily distracted by things that are going on around you. Things you hear or see drive your attention away from what you are doing. Bach flowers makes sure you are less sensitive for things around you, which causes you to focus better.
Organisation and working systematically aren’t your strong points. You start on something quite quick, but never finish it because something else has caught your attention. It takes you a lot of trouble to stay on a task and work on it in an organised fashion. Bach flowers mix 42 enlarges your organisation, helps you to plan better and also makes you stick to your planning.
Indication Of Bach Flower Mix 21 Concentration Problems Drop
Live in the here and now
Concentrate better
Be more alert
Be less forgetful
Be more organized
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