Indications of Complex Lymph Drops-35 (Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35)
Lymphoedema, lymph congestion, lymph node swelling, relives lymphatic edema.
Mode of Action of Ingredients in Complex Lymph Drops-35 (Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35)
Abrotanum: For chronic fever in lymphatic inflammations, cold, damp and rheumatism
Mercurius solubilis: Aggravated at night. Heavy, viscous perspiration. Glanular affections. Tenesums and mucous membrane affections of the phyranx, anus, urethra and intestine.
Sulphur: Reactions to suppressions, burning pain, venous congestion, heartburn, itching, tendancy to sweating and diarrhea, aggravated from cold and water
Vipera berus: Fear, weak circulation, cyanosis, cold sweats, periodicity of complaints
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