Causes & Symptoms for Physostigma venenosum
Convulsions and twitchings muscular prostration. Violent trembling all over the body.
Fluttering tremors,dread of cold water is grand keynote.
Involuntary muscles are excited to active movements, Stiff all over as after taking cold.
Weakness felt on change of weather, and on cold, bracing days indicates Physostigma.
Mind and Head
Exhaustion, cannot remember anything. Difficult thinking, cannot concentrate the mind.
Confusion and dizziness, dull, heavy, oppressive headache, intolerable pain over both eyes.
Constriction as from a bandage or tight cap pressed down indicates Physostigma
Eyes, ear, nose
Intense burning pain and effusion into the eyeball. Sharp stitches in right eyeball, better by motion in open air.
Sharp pain in supraorbital region, sharp, shooting pains, and drawing, twisting sensation in eyes.
Lids heavy, cannot bear to raise them, congestion of the eyes, with tonic spasms, rigidity
Sharp, shooting pains in the ears. Hissing, buzzing, ringing in the ears.
Twitchings in nose and involuntary expansion of nostrils indicates Physostigma
Mouth and Throat
Numbness of lips, numbness and tingling of tongue and lips.
Profuse salivation, thick, leathery saliva. Constriction of throat
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