Causes & Symptoms for Nux moschata
Sleepy with most all complaints is an indication for this remedy.
Excess dryness of the tongue, mouth, lips and throat; no thirst. Tongue so dry it adheres to the roof of the mouth.
Exaltation of the senses and sensibilities runs through the remedy.
Irregularity of menses is the chief note of the remedy.
General inclination to become unconscious during acute attacks.
Mind and Head
Vanishing of thought. Drowsiness. sudden loss of memory, seemed to be two persons.
Answers questions accurately quite out of her sphere. Humor grave and gay alternately.
Riding in carriage causes headache, shaking head worse. Pains mostly in occiput, if touched there says it touches here brain.
Vertigo when walking in open air; aches from eating a little too much is an indication of Nux moschata.
Eyes, ear, nose
Violent, constricting, burning, stinging pains over right eye, dryness of eyes, and sensation of dryness.
Profuse lachrymation and burning pains in eyes, blue rings around eyes indicates Nux moschata.
Over-sensitiveness of hearing, obstruction of nose, Nose-bleed usually dark, black.
Mouth and Throat
The saliva seems thick, like cotton. Swelling of mucous follicles under tongue.
Dry mouth worse evening and night. Bleeding of gums readily.
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