Causes & Symptoms for Coccus Cacti
The Coccus cacti patient comes on especially in the winter with catarrhal conditions of the air passages
It is useful in the cough of drunkards.
Complaints come on in cold weather gets sick from exposure to cold, yet worse in a warm room and better in the cold air indicates Coccus Cacti.
Shortness of breath, Cough most constant in morning, with expectoration
Spasmodic difficulties of chest, with renal pains.
Mind and Head
Apprehensive, Irritable, the head feels dull.
Congestion of blood to the head, Dull headache above right eye in morning on waking indicates Coccus Cacti.
Eyes, ear, nose
Sensation as if the edges of the eyelids were swollen indicates Coccus Cacti.
Discharge of thick yellow mucus from the nose, Dryness of the nose with inclination to sneeze.
Sudden violent stitch in the left internal ear, itching in the left ear.
Mouth and Throat
Coccus Cacti is useful in retching and vomiting of long strings of tough, ropy mucus filling the mouth and throat and causing him to choke.
Scraping and dryness in the throat, anything coming in contact with the pharynx, the inside of the mouth, or even the gums, produces gagging and retching and will bring on the cough.
Swelling and redness of the right tonsil. Great sensitiveness of teeth to cold things.
Sore throat with redness. Nightly, periodical attacks of cough from tickling in the larynx with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, stringy mucus.
Burning in the throat aggravated in the warmth, from warm drinks especially when warmed up in bed indicates Coccus Cacti.
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