Causes & Symptoms for SBL Apium Graveolens
Retention of urine with no effectual evacuation unless catheterised indicated this remedy.
Itching blotches, burning, creeping sensation.
Urticaria with shuddering, intense stinging itching with rapid change of location.
One of the indications is a dull ache in sacrum worse when lying down, better when moving about.
Useful in complaints of female during menses, for ovarian pains.
Mind and Head
Depressed, energetic, feeling of fidget, cannot keep mind from thinking, restlessness.
Headache, throbbing headaches are relieved with help of Apium Graveolens
Eyes, nose
Itching and smarting in inner canthus of left eye.
sensation as if both eyes were sunken back into their sockets, Tickling in nostrils with sneezing, forenoon.
Mouth and Throat
Toothache better by cold water.
Soft palate and fauces sore, dark red and swollen
Stomach and abdomen
Unpleasant feeling at stomach, with belchings.
Sore feeling at pit of stomach lasting for hours and partially relieved by eating.
Stool and Anus
Before stool sharp pain from abdomen directly into rectum.
Sharp sticking pain as if stool was coming
Urinary complaints
It is useful for obstinate retention of urine with desire to pass but cannot.
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