Causes & Symptoms for SBL Anagallis Arvensis (Mother Tincture)
Anagallis has a marked action on the skin. Skin itches all over, becomes dry and rough, ulcers and swellings on joints.
Anagallis Arvensis has been used for snake-bites and hydrophobia.
It produces great exhilaration and activity of mind: thinks of everything.
Tickling and itching in left ear is relieved by Anagallis Arvensis.
Anagallis Arvensis patients have dull pains in gums accompanied by very hard stools.
Sensation on tongue as if something cold were placed on it.
Dryness and scraping in throat. Scraping, scratching of larynx and trachea with hoarseness, worse after eating.
Tearing in spermatic cord, Soreness on chest with pain is seen in the patient of Anagallis.
Pain and tightness in bend of left knee. Symptoms are worse by touch, worse after eating.
Cannot collect his thoughts while listening to sermon on account of jovial feelings.
After mental exertion great prostration.
Heat rising to head, slight sweat on forehead, followed by pressing stitching in eyeballs.
Headache just over supraorbital ridges with eructations and rumbling in the bowels.
Intense headache and nausea with pains throughout the body.
Head-ache better by coffee.
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