Causes & Symptoms for SBL Formicum acidum
Chronic myalgia. Muscular pains and soreness. Inflammations on the ligaments.
Pains usually worse on right side, motion and better from pressure is an indication of this remedy.
Varicose veins, polypi, catarrh are relieved with Formic acid.
Subacute and chronic nephritis is an indication for this remedy.
Ear, nose
Pains from the back of the right ear till the back of the head. Ringing and buzzing in ears.
Congestion and stopped-up feeling in nose.
Neck and Back
Formic acid increases muscular strength and resistance to fatigue
Pain in muscles of head, neck and shoulders before a snowstorm
Formic acid helps to Increase the renal secretions.
Atypical gout, Lower extremities feel weak. Sudden pain with restlessness
Disturbances in the muscles such as myositis is relieved with Formic acid.
Doughy swellings, chronic arthritis, chronic stiffness in joints is relieved with Formic acid.
It acts on the ligaments, capsula and bursa of the joints.
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