Dr. Reckeweg Vaccininum(Dilution)
Trituration of vaccine matter.
Common Name: Nosode From vaccine matter
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Vaccininum
Indigestion with great flatulent distension, are leading features therefore indications for the nosode.
Neuralgia, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension
Night-sweats, dyspnoea, muscular weakness, and painful sensations are relieved with Vaccininum.
Puffed eyelids, pain and swelling of scrotum, inguinal glands enlarged and tender, slight oedema of legs.
Short breath with aching in pit of stomach.
Mind and Head
Nervous, impatient, irritable, disposition to be troubled by things.
Forehead felt as if it would split, restless sleep are relieved with Vaccininum.
Eyes, ear, nose
Inflamed eyelids. Redness of eyes and face, with small pimples on face and hands.
Weak eyes, feeling in forehead as if it were split.
Full feeling of head, with running at nose is resolved with Vaccininum.
Mouth and Throat
Redness and distension of face, chill running down back
Swelling of neck under right ear, dry mouth and tongue.
Stomach and abdomen
Aching in pit of stomach, with short breath.
Stitch in splenic region, a stitch in hepatic region.
Urinary complaints
Albuminuria, hematuria, after vaccination indicates Vaccininum.
Neck and Back
Aching pain in back, worse in lumbar region, extending around waist.
Soreness of lower extremities, as if heated or over-exerted.
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