Causes & Symptoms for Aristolochia serpentaria
It is useful in gastro-enteric organs, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension
Irritation of the urinary and genital organs with frequent desire to micturate.
For flatulent dyspepsia. Brain congestion.
It relieves the pressive pain in nape of neck.
Mind and Head
Disinclination for work is an indication of Aristolochia serpentaria.
Stomach and abdomen
Distention and cutting pains in abdomen, Nausea and vomiting.
Distended feeling as if too full. Distension, rumbling, uneasiness, cutting pains.
Heaviness better by emission of much flatus.
Stool and Anus
Frequent desire for stool, with evacuation of scanty, hard, tenacious faeces
Frequent desire with evacuation of more gas than faeces is an indication of Aristolochia serpentaria.
Urinary complaints
Violent desire to urinate with great increase in quantity of urine.
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