For fatty degeneration of the liver and as a supportive therapy in serious liver diseases
Recommended for enlarged liver or liver function deterioration due to alcohol Indicated for chronic diseases of liver (hepatopathy) and their concomitant symptoms
Removes congestion of the portal vein
Carduus is known to relieve dyspepsia, acidity, heartburn and gastralgia
Composition of Carduus Marianus Pentarkan
Acidum hydrofluoricum 5x 25 mg: Soreness over liver, Heaviness and weight in stomach
Aurum muriaticum natronatum 4x 25 mg: Pressure in right hypochondriac region with heaviness.
Carduus marianus Q 75 mg: This remedy establishes a healthy flow of bile, the action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice.
Quassia amara Q 25 mg: Pain in right intercostal muscles above the liver. Pressure and stitches in liver,
Excipients Q.S. to make 250 mg
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