Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Natrum Bichromicum
The action of medicine is on the mucous membranes of respiratory organs, bowels, stomach lining.
It is useful in chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic throat catarrh, bronchial asthma, periostitis.
Natrum Bichromicum has action on blood, useful in complaints of anemia, weakness, tiredness.
The characterestic symptoms is stringy amd vicid mucous secretions.
Ulcers in the mouth with burning and cracked corners of the mouth is an indication for Natrum Bichromicum.
Eyes, Nose
Dryness, itching and burning in eyes, heat in eyes and desire to rub them.
Coryza, with obstruction of nose, Violent sneezing and snuffles in children, pressure at root of nose.
Loss of smell with difficult breathing, inability to breathe through nose, thin watery discharges indicates Natrum Bichromicum.
Mouth and Throat
Natrum Bichromicum is indicated in complaints of dryness of mouth.
The tonsils become distended and sore accompanied by deep ulcers and the voice becomes hoarse.
Constant hawking in the throat
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