Causes & Symptoms for Natrum Hypochlorosum
It is useful in uterine complaints with bearing down sensation.
Emaciation, weakness, tedancy to leucocytosis is an indication for Natrum Hypochlorosum.
Swelling of extremities is marked with extreme weakness in the ankles and the knee.
Sympotms that are worse on eating, drinking warm.
Mind and Head
For low spirited and depressed individuals Natrum Hypochlorosum is a remedy.
Vertigo, with aching across forehead and a falling tendancy indicates Natrum Hypochlorosum.
For distressed laughs and cries, talks in sleep.
Eczema of scalp and behind the ears is relieved with Natrum Hypochlorosum
Throbbing headache in left temple immediately after midday meal
Mouth and Throat
Gums sore, tongue swollen with apthae on sides of tongue.
Neuralgic pains on the tooth due to decayed teeth.
Sore throat with difficulty in swallowing, due to ulcers indicates Natrum Hypochlorosum.
Stomach and abdomen
Bloated feeling in the stomach after eating worse by warm drinks.
Weakness after meals with desire to sleep indicates Natrum Hypochlorosum.
Constipation for three days, then a large, hard, offensive motion is passed
Female complaints
Pain felt in the pelvic region, Swelling in left ovarian region at time of menses
Passive hemorrhage during the menses, with bearing down pains is relieved with Natrum Chloricum.
Backache with white discharge is relieved with the remedy.
Urine complaints
Scalding urine, wetting of bed at night.
Red, smarting rash on face and neck, worse after meals, after warm drink
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