Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Persea Americana
Persea Americana is useful in improving the digestion, helping in relieving the complaints of gas, flatulence.
It is a useful remedy in complaints of loose motions, diarrhea and dysentery.
Its action as an emmenagogue is profound and effectively works in females promoting the flow of blood during their menses.
Persea Americana helps in relieving coughs, lowering blood pressure.
In liver obstructions and associated complaints leading to raised uric acid levels is checked with help of Persea Americana.
The remedy helps in lowering the raised blood cholesterol levels
It has cooling and soothing effect on the skin which makes it useful in suppurating wounds.
It can be used locally to the scalp to promote hair growth.
Persea Americana has antihelmintic properties, making its effective usage for expelling worms
For skin afflictions, such as scabies, purulent wounds, lesions of the scalp and dandruff, Persea Americana gives good results.
For improving sexual health, vigor and vitality, Persea Americana is used as an aphrodisiac.
For resolving the symptoms of high uric acid levels in the body which could lead to gout, joint pains, swellings on the joints Persea Americana is the remedy.
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