Rumex crispus 3x 1%: Dry, teasing cough. Aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cool air and at night.
Justicia adhatoda Q 2%: Highly efficacious medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract, suffocative attacks with obstruction of respiration.
Ipecacuanha 1x 1%: Persistent nausea and vomiting is associated with cough. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Dyspnea, constant constriction in throat
Spongia tosta 1x 1%: Great dryness of all air-passages, Cough, dry, barking, croupy; larynx sensitive to touch. Chest weak; can scarcely talk.
Sticta pulmonaria 3x 1%: Dry, hacking cough during night; worse, inspiration. Loose cough in morning. Pain through chest from sternum to spinal column.
Antimonium tartaricum 6x 0.5%: Cough followed, by vomiting or sleep. Coughing and gasping consecutively. Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Coarse, rattling with wet sounding cough, but scanty, difficult expectoration, unable to get it out.
Coccus cacti 3x 0.5%: Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic morning cough. Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of this tough mucus
Drosera rotundifolia Q 2%: Cough very deep and hoarse; worse, after midnight; yellow expectoration, with bleeding from nose and mouth; retching. Deep, hoarse voice; hoarseness; laryngitis. Rough, scraping sensation deep in the fauces and soft palate.
Balsam tolu Q 3%: Irritating loose and short cough with scanty expectoration. Useful in Nasal catarrh as well.
Senega Q 3%: Bronchial catarrh, with sore chest walls
Excipients Q.S. Alcohol content: 11% v/v
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