Causes & Symptoms for Beta Vulgeris
Beta Vulgeris has influence on chronic catarrhal states.
It is useful in conditions of chronic cough with phthisical condition.
In conditions of Cough with bleeding, it gives good results.
It is also useful in complaints of anemia, arthritis, Blood pressure.
It helps in the production of Red blood cells.
Beta Vulgeris elevates the blood pressure, also the platelet count.
In complaints of Burns, ruptured skin, bruise it is useful and helps to improve the condition.
It supports the functioning of heart, detoxifies the blood and proves to be a blood purifier.
It is useful in complaints of hairfall and dandruff.
Eyes, ear, nose
It is well indicated for severe catarrhal cold and cough.
In complaints of painful discharge from eyes, it gives good results.
Sneezing with congestion and blocked sensation is relieved with help of Beta Vulgeris
Stomach and abdomen
It relieves the acidity complaints, by lowering the acid levels.
In complaints of Liver, Jaundice, it gives good results.
Stool and Anus
Beta Vulgeris is useful in complaints of constipation.
Male complaints
It promotes good health to the private organs and improves the Vitality.
The rash, itchy skin, acne, pustules and pimples is relieved with the help of Beta Vulgeris.
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