Causes and symptoms for Willmar schwabe Quarz
Indicated in long continued grief later a heart break.
It has affinity with heart and emotional plane which heals the emotional trauma.
Quarz cleanses the heart, clears radiation effects and vaccination damage.
It is used as a blood purifier and immune system booster.
Mind and Head
Feeling of being lonely and abandoned. Suffers from emotional trauma.
Complaints that occur due to sexual abuse, loss of loved ones or separation from closed ones.
It is useful in patients who have suicidal thoughts.
For anxiety and panic attacks that occur due to stress is an indication for this remedy.
In complaints of headache, forgetfulness, Alzheimer, loss of memory.
Stomach and Abdomen
It is useful in aiding the digestion by eliminating the toxins from the body.
Quarz helps in complaints of constipation.
Complaints that occur due to emotional trauma, heart break, leading to difficult breathing.
Choking sensation felt in the throat is an indication for Quarz.
For dryness of skin with no itching is an indication for Quarz.
In males and females, the remedy is used for complaints of infertility, fridgidity.
For people suffering from loss of concentration.
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