Willmar Schwabe Camphora Bromata
Common Name: Monobromide of Camphor,
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Camphora Bromata
Camphora Bromata is indicated in complaints of nervous excitability.
For gastric catarrh in convulsive paroxysms, Camphora Brom gives good results.
Sudden changes in the mood with laughing and weeping alternately.
Dizziness with difficulty in taking decision and orientation of place.
Black outs with flies flying in front of eyes is relieved with Camphora Bromata.
Neuralgia of testes and prostate is relieved with Camphora Bromata.Painful erections with nightly emissions.
For violent convulsions and seizures especially in children.
Hysteria, weeping and laughter alternately.
Side effects of Willmar Schwabe Camphora Bromata
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
It should not be taken on a continuous basis until and unless your physician prescribes it.
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