Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Saxifraga
For eructations of gas; with vertigo and yawning all the time, Saxifraga is an indicated remedy.
Rumbling and gurgling sound in abdomen is relieved with this remedy.
Sensation of coldness in occipital region as though a sharp object constantly blowing is relieved.
Tightness of chest while walking, difficulty in breathing, needs to Frequently takes a long breath.
Constant tension and sticking in nape and occiput.
Saxifraga relieves the fine sticking, drawing pains from right upper arm to hand.
Pain in hips and pelvis, burning in loins and small of back. Pressive stitches in loins indicates Saxifraga.
Burning pains in the corns located on the soles is relieved with Saxifraga.
Overpowering sleepiness,raised temperature and Chill runs up middle of back.
For sensitiveness to every cool temperature, shivering in back indicates Saxifraga.
Dullness and heaviness in head, with drowsiness when reading.
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