Causes and symptoms of Willmar schwabe Silphium Laciniatum
In all forms of asthma, and in chronic bronchitis with large quantities of stringy, frothy, light-colored mucus
Congestion of mucous surfaces, followed with copious expectoration on the slightest exposure or cold indicates Silphium Laciniatum.
Swelling of the throat with rapid exhaustion with constriction and pressure in supraorbital region.
Engorgement and thickening of mucous membrane of throat extending down indicates Silphium Laciniatum.
Pain at urethra, with burning sensation while passing urine.
Desire to hawk and scrape throat and throw off a thin viscid mucus.
Cough excited by sense of mucus rattling in chest and worse by drafts of air.
Frequent micturition, with sense of heat or burning at meatus during micturition.
Constriction and tightness of lungs, with constant disposition to raise is relieved with Silphium Laciniatum
Frothy expectoration with light-coloured mucus
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