Common Name: Glinicum,
Causes & Symptoms for Medorrhinum
It is one of the most important of the nosodes.
Worse from sunrise to sunset, always brighter in evening, worse in early morning hours.
Intense nervous sensibility, especially to touch of garment or a lock of hair
Extremely offensive body odors in children is relieved with Medorrhinum.
Pain and soreness through chest and mamme.
For abnormal growths on the skin and the body.
Mind and Head
Time moves too slowly. Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts, Cannot speak without crying
Sensation of tightening in head causing intense vertigo is relieved with Medorrhinum.
Terrible pains all through head in every direction, with continuous and violent vomiting, followed by aching in sacrum and down backs of legs to feet.
Eyes, ear, nose
Swelling under eyes, Hardness of upper lid is relieved with Medorrhinum.
Darting pains in right ear, from without inward.
Intense, itching in nose, internally near point, Soreness and crawling feeling
Mouth and Throat
Flushes of heat in face and neck. Tendency to stiffness in jaws and tongue.
Sore teeth, particularly eye teeth, feel sore and soft. Dryness of mouth, feels burnt.
Throat scraped, sore, stiff, dry, swallowing painful.
Stomach and abdomen
Violent retching and vomiting, Nausea with frontal headache, after drinking water, after dinner
Intense pain in stomach and upper abdomen, with a sensation of tightness. Ravenous hunger soon after eating.
Violent pain in liver and spleen, better by resting on abdomen.
Stool and Anus
Oozing of moisture from anus, Pains of most intense kind, Can pass stool only by leaning very far back
Profuse bloody discharges from rectum, sometimes in large clotted masses, followed by shivering.
Urinary complaints
Pain in renal region, profuse urination better. Urine flows very slowly.
Pains along urethra while urinating, drawing burning is relieved with Medorrhinum.
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