Bakson Vinca Minor
Common Name: Lesser Periwinkle
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Vinca Minor
Vinca Minor is also helpful in alopecia.
Vinca Minor has marked action on scalp eczema.
There is numerous humid eruptions which itch and burn intensely.
There is also corrosive itching of scalp with irrestible desire to scratch. The skin of the body is highly sensitive with redness and soreness from slight rubbing.
Burning in the ulcers like bed-sores on left buttock is relieved by Vinca Minor.
It relieves Corrosive itching provoking scratching.
Whirling vertigo with flickering before eyes is relieved by Vinca Minor.
The hairs are entangled, as in plica polonica indicates Vinca Minor.
Hair falls out and is replaced by grey hair, Bald spots, covered with short, woolly hair indicates this remedy.
Eyes and Ears
Vinca Minor relieves Itching and burning of lids, which become red.
Ringing and whistling in ears, with feeling of cold wind is relieved by Vinca Minor.
It checks Stoppage of nose, mostly of one nostril, with discharge of much mucus through posterior nares.
Vinca Minor is indicated in Moist eruption on septum exuding moisture which forms light-brown scab, skin dirty white, elevated, with red areola.
It is useful in Aphthae.
Vinca Minor also helpful in complaint of Increased secretion of saliva.
It relieves frequent hawking through day.
Vinca Minor is also useful in Ulcers in throat.
It relieves Sore throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
Sensation as if something was sticking low down in oesophagus, which provokes swallowing indicates Vinca Minor.
Stomach and Abdomen
It is indicated in empty eructations after drinking beer, and generally worse from taking liquid.
Nausea after coffee, Violent, bitter, copious vomiting of yellowish-green liquid is relieved by it.
Vinca Minor is useful in Gastric disturbance.
Distension after a stool is relieved by it.
It is useful in Rumbling and gurgling, with passage of much offensive flatus.
Stool and Anus
Urging to stool.
Stool first hard, then soft.
Stool exhausting, with burning in anus.
Urinary Organs
Diminished secretion of urine.
Urine pale yellow indicates Vinca Minor.
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