Bakson Tabacum(Mother Tincture)
Tincture of the fresh leaves collected before the flowers are developed.
Common Name: Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco.
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Tabacum
Vomiting, icy coldness, and sweat, with the intermittent pulse
Complete prostration of the entire muscular system.
Constriction of throat, chest, bladder, rectum.
Mind and Head
Brain-fag, inability to concentrate thoughts, anguish, dislike to labor and conversation is an indication of Tobacco.
Excessive vertigo, mental faculties much impaired. Silly talk, cannot stop, loss of memory.
Vertigo, which often produces loss of consciousness, is relieved with Tobacco.
Headache from one temple to the other, involving orbits indicates Tabacum.
Eyes, ear, nose
Smarting in eyes, Sudden failure of vision is relieved with Tabacum.
Drumming in the ears, white tongue, epigastric sinking, alternating with nausea and flatulence
Jerking tearing in right ear, ringing, roaring, rushing, humming in ears, worse by loud noise or going into open air
Dryness and obstruction of nose.
Mouth and Throat
Lancinating pains in maxillary joint, when laughing is an indication of Tabacum.
Throbbing or jumping pains in teeth. Tongue feels swollen.
Accumulation of white, tenacious mucus in mouth and throat, is relieved with tobacco.
Redness of fauces in the throat.
Stomach and abdomen
The local application over the pit of the stomach relieves nausea.
Sinking feeling at pit of stomach. Constant hunger, with nausea, violent vomiting.
sea-sickness with heat along spine from nape down, cold sweat, then vomit.
coldness of the abdomen, Violent burning in abdomen, horrible pain.
Stool and Anus
Violent pain in small of back during soft stool, chronic constipation, great pain.
Urinary complaints
Inflammation of the orifice of the urethra.
Renal colic, violent pains along ureters with nausea.
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