Bakson Ledum palustre
Tincture of dried small twigs and leaves collected after flowering begins, of whole fresh plant.
Common Name: Wild Rosemary, Marsh Cistus, Marsh Tea.
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Ledum palustre
Ledum pal is useful for certain kinds of injury, coldness especially of the ends of the extremities.
It is used for punctured wounds with needles, wounds that bleed scantily but are followed by pain, puffiness and coldness of the part.
Coldness to touch, coldness in the body and coldness in the extremities with hot head is a characteristic of Ledum Pal.
It is a gouty medicine, having complaints, chalk stones in their joints, deposits in the wrists, fingers and toes,
In mosquito-bites, stings of bees and wasps, rat-bits, needle-pricks resulting in whitlows ledum gives good results.
Injuries that bleed easily, have red faces, throbbing and pulsating all over the body indicates Ledum pal.
Mind and Head
Tendency to anger and rage indicates ledum.
Unsteadiness and drunkenness in the head, brain is sore.
Vertigo felt when walking and standing indicates ledum pal.
Pressing headache when head is covered, Violent throbbing pains in head.
Pimples and boils on the forehead is relieved with Ledum
Eyes, ear, nose
Aching in eyes, especially in evening, sometimes with burning.
Inflammation of ear, Ringing, ringing of bells and whizzing in ears
Bleeding in nose, burning internally in the nose, the nose is sore on pressure and on blowing it indicates Ledum Pal.
Mouth and Throat
Pains in the teeth are violent, sticking relieved with Ledum.
In the throat sticking pains, sore throat with fine sticking pains are relieved with Ledum Pal.
Ledum pal is suitable to besotted face people and looks very much like the face of an old drunkard
Drawing and tearing stitches in the chest, which are felt on moving the arms and when sitting indicates ledum pal.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea, with inclination to vomit, on expectorating with pressure on stomach after a light meal indicates Ledum Pal.
Sensation of fullness in upper part of the abdomen with drawing pain in abdomen.
Stool and Anus
Blind smarting piles.
Urinary complaints
Urination frequent, quantity diminished or increased, stream often stops during the flow indicates ledum pal.
Burning in the urethra after urinating. Itching redness and discharge of pus Frequent want to urinate, with scanty emission.
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