Bakson Cactus Grandiflorus
Common names: Night-blooming Cereus
Causes and symptoms for Bakson Cactus Grandiflorus
Dysponea (breathlessness) from least exertion. Pulse is quick, throbbing, tense and hard. Pains go round to axilla, back and scapula of the left side.
Haemorrhage, constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pains. Whole body feels as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter.
Cactus is a chief remedy for congestive headaches which are periodical, threatening and worse on right side. There is a sensation as of a weight on vertex.
Cactus Grandiflorus also has marked action on heart affections; sensation of constriction in the heart, as if iron band prevented its normal movement.
Whole body feels as if caged and each wire is twisted tighter and tighter. Pains are of pricking in nature.
Worse by walking, at night and by lying on left side. Better after sleep, rest and in open and fresh air. Cactus favors the dissolving of clots speedily.
Acts on circular muscular fibers, hence constrictions.
Characteristic constrictions as of an iron band, sensation found in various places, esophagus, bladder, etc.
Congestion; irregular distribution of blood. Favors formation of clots speedily. Great periodicity.
Cactus Grandiflorus is also indicated in chilliness not relieved by covering.
-Melancholy, taciturn, sad, ill-humored. Fear of death.
– Screams with pain. Anxiety.
– Anxiety about health, Fear of heart disease worse by morning on waking.
– Sensitive to light, noise.
– Difficulty in expressing ideas on writing.
– CONSTRICTION, violent pain, as if caged in wire.
– Congestion in painful part.
– Hemorrhages, with constriction, Internal hemorrhage and thrombosis.
– Worse 11 A.M. and P.M, LYING, esp.on left side.
– Better by open air.
– Periodicity.
– Headache if obliged to pass dinner hour.
– Sensation as of a weight on vertex. Right-sided pulsating pain. Congestive headaches, periodical, threatening apoplexy.
– Blood-vessels to the head distended. Feels as if head were compressed in a vise.
– Pulsation in ears. Dim sight. Right sided constricting pains, returns at same hour daily.
– Pain with severe constriction; with sensation of pressure, 11 p.m.
– Pain is followed by epistaxis (nosebleed) with congestion, flushed red face
-Worse fasting, noise of talking. Better by pressure.
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