Causes & Symptoms for Kali Bicarbonicum
It is indicated in discharges that are tenacious, slimy and stringy.
In complaints of rhintiis with dryness of nose.
Snuffles of children, especially fat, chubby babies.
Soreness of the throat with tonsils swollen.
Complaints of Joint pains alternate with stomach complaints indicates Kali Bicarbonicum.
Flying pains in the joint, that keep changing the position.
Mind and Head
Dislikes to talk with people. Violent headaches and vertigo accompanied with headache is relieved with this remedy.
Headache are more after stooping and in motion.
Discharges are thick, ropy and tenacious in nature. Unable to smell efficiently. Violent sneezing is relieved with Kali Bicarbonicum
Sticking pains in the nose with congestion and rawness felt.
Mouth and Throat
Sore throat with inflammed uvula is relieved with this remedy.
Burning pains extending to the throat and stomach.
Cough with stringy and tenacious sputum.
Stomach and abdomen
Painful ulcers with burning pains, better by heat. Pressure in the abdomen after eating is an indication for this remedy.
Gastric troubles alternating with joint pains. Vomiting of yellow color.
Pain in the liver and spleen area is relieved with this remedy.
Urinary complaints
Burning pain in the urethra while urinating is relieved with Kali Bicarbonicum.
Sensation as if urine needs to void more, unsatisfactory.
Morning stiffness and wandering pains. Sore feeling in the bones. Tenderness of parts.
Skin symptoms that are better in winters indicate Kali Bicarb.
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