Dr. Reckeweg Kali Arsenicosum
Common Name: Fowler’s Solution, Kali Arsenicum
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Kali Arsenicosum
Kali Ars has marked action on skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and ulcers.
There is dry, scaly eruptions with itching worse from warmth, walking and undressing.
It is useful in chronic eczema. There are fissures in bends of arms and knees. There are numerous small nodules under the skin.
It relieves Intolerable itching worse while undressing in psoriasis.
It is also useful in acne worse during menses.
Kali Ars also helps in nervousness. There is anxiety and panic attacks.
Gums swollen and tender relieves by it.
Throat dry and sore.─Throat constricted with copious flow of saliva is relieved by Kali Arsenicosum.
Kali Arsenicosum relieves Constant pain and nausea after food; frequent vomiting of ingesta.
It is indicated in Burning pain in bowels; unquenchable thirst; belly tense and painful; involuntary watery stools with sense as if a red-hot iron were in anus.
Kali Arsenicum relieves Headache in left parietal bone, as if it was sore and pressed upon by hand, behaves like a crazy person.
There is Constricted feeling in head, as if there was a wound on partiental bone which was being scratched, the place feels hot, pressure does not better.
Startled look, with protruding, brilliant eyes, pale face, and sunken cheeks.
Heat and itchiness of lids, followed by swelling and tenderness, conjunctiva becomes inflamed, eye sensitive to light, dark discoloration round orbit indicates Kali Arsenicum.
Itching of conjunctiva is relieved by Kali Arsenicum.
Kali Arsenicum is useful for Nodular eruption on face, boils.
Kali Arsenicum person has Face pale, Complexion muddy and Looks older.
Kali Arsenicum is useful Gums swollen and tender.
Tongue clear, red, like raw beef.
In middle towards tip of tongue a smooth, red spot with troublesome burning and numbness.
Tongue swollen, felt too large in mouth.
Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced as under.
Throat dry and sore is relieved by Kali Arsenicum.
Throat constricted with copious flow of saliva.
Appetite lost, Intense thirst.
Constant pain and nausea after food, frequent vomiting of ingesta is relieved by Kali Arsenicum.
For one or two hours, repeated every five or ten minutes, sensation as of a ball rising from pit of stomach to larynx threatening suffocation, better by loud belching.
There is Empty feeling in stomach.
It relieves Sinking at epigastrium with faintness.
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