Causes & Symptoms for Gymnocladus Canadensis
White coating of the tongue with sensation of swelling over the face indicates for the action of Gymnocladus Canadensis.
Desire for heat, wants to be near the fire also is a peculiarity of the medicine.
Violent pain in left forearm as if the bones were crushed.
Sore throat with a dark livid redness of parts with swelling of face
Pain in the abdome, with a sensation as if spleen is swollen.
Mind and Head
Forgetful, Indifferent and not capable of thinking.
Constant severe untolerable pains in front part of head, especially under eye-brows and upper part of nose
Intense headache with stitches in bowels, in umbilical region at time.
Eyes, ear, nose
Burning sensation felt in the eyes, with a sensation of pushing forward.
Constant desire to rub the eyes, with violent throbbing pains indicates Gymnocladus Canadensis.
Mouth and Throat
Tongue coated white and no taste in the mouth indicates Gymnocladus Canadensis.
Sensitive teeth, felt more on drinking cold water that cause pain.
Soreness of throat with swelling of Tonsils, leading to constant hawking.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea after eating with pain and fullness in stomach and belching.
Soreness and tenderness of abdomen is relieved with Gymnocladus Canadensis.
Stool and Anus
Sensation of fullness as if rectum is full and constipation with no desire.
Soreness of the anal area.
Urinary complaints
Fullness sensation with pressure in the bladder leading to frequent desire to pass the urine.
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