Causes & Symptoms for Ferrum Magneticum
Weakness with trembling in the legs and arm.
Warts on the hands with swellings on the wrists, ganglion is relieved with Ferrum Mag.
Loose motions with much flalutulence, abundant and frequent emission of foetid flatus.
Headache with hairfall complaints and itching of the scalp.
Itching and tingling in the face and on the lips with eruptions is an indication of Ferrum mag.
Mind and Head
Restless sleep from frightful, unpleasant and anxious dreams.
Dreams immediately after lying down and waking with a start indicates ferrum Mag.
Eyes, ear, nose
Swelling and pain in the eyelids, with constant watering of eyes.
Tingling sensation felt in the ear is relieved with Ferrum Mag.
Mouth and Throat
Painful sensibility of the teeth during chewing and bleeding gums.
Sensation as if mucus were adhering to the uvula, hence constant hawking.
Stomach and abdomen
Complaints that occur immediately after eating meals indicates this remedy.
Pains in the region of the stomach, epigastrium mainly after breathing.
Pain the abdominal region with pulling sensation felt in the legs.
Stool and Anus
Urgent desire to pass stool with expulsion of flatus.
Ferrum Mag helps to relieve the itching and tingling felt in the rectum area.
Urinary complaints
Itching and lancinating pains felt while passing urine.
Neck and Back
Old pains of the neck, and cervical muscles is rleieved with Ferrum Magneticum.
Chronic pains of the Joints after exercising. Ganglion of the foot.
Jerking and pulling pains felt in the legs, thighs, and hands.
Painful stiffness on the internal surface of the knee after extending.
Eruptions on the forehead, in the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, on the cheeks, the lips, and the chin.
Non refreshing sleep, Dreams immediately after lying down.
Coldness which causes trembling indicates Ferrum mag.
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