Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Euphorbia Pilulifera
It is useful in respiratory disorders effectively, mainly in complaints of asthma, bronchitis.
Euphorbia Pilulifera relieves the complaints that occur after venomous bites.
In heart conditions where the quick pulse is followed by a sudden chill, Euphorbia Pilulifera is indicated.
Bleeding, hemorrhage that occurs due to sun stroke is an indication for Euphorbia Pilulifera.
In intestinal worms it acts as a vermifuge.
For urinary complaints with violent desire and pain while passing urine, it gives good results.
In condition of Hay asthma, it is effectively used to relieve the complaints.
Difficulty in breathing, sore throat, chronic coughing, bronchitis.
It is also used for mucus in the nose and throat.
It is useful for pale, delicate, and sensitive women.
In cases of acrid leucorrhea with itching, aggravated by the least motion indicates Euphorbia Pilulifera.
Frequent urinary tract infections leading to burning pains in females.
It is used in males to relieve the bacterial infections and veneral diseases.
Euphorbia Pilulifera is used to increase sexual drive and boost fertility.
For intense burning pains at each micturition, making the patient to sit down or to keep quiet.
Constant desire to pass urine is relieved with Euphorbia Pilulifera.
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