Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Epilobium Palustre
It is well indicated in complaints of throat, inability to swallow, pain while swallowing.
In epileptiform convulsions in rapid succession, Epilobium Palustre gives good results.
Dull and sleepy but could not sleep, the saliva would choke him indicates Epilobium Palustre.
Its use in colic and in irritable conditions of the intestines is marked. Diarrhoea, with colicky pain.
Periodical headache that starts and returns back in afternoon and stays all day.
Throat began filling up, at noon could not swallow water, due to accumulation difficult breathing.
In ulcerations of the mouth and throat Epilobium Palustre gives good results.
Larynx sore to pressure with hard lumps on each side externally.
Stool and Anus
Its value in summer bowel complaints. It has a deserved reputation in chronic diarrhoea.
For loose stools, in crampy pains, it gives good relief.
Epilobium Palustre is useful in raised body temperature came on with aching all over and severe headache, that lasted all night, could not sleep.
Indicated in wasting of body and much weakness.
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