Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum(Dilution)
Common Name: Platinum, Platina.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Platinum Metallicum
Alternation of mental and physical symptoms: as physical symptoms disappear mental symptoms appear.
Tendency to uncover completely in sleep is an indication for Platina.
Loss of appetite after the first mouthful.
Constriction in abdomen, stomach, throat and many other parts indicate Platinum Metallicum.
Mind and Head
Objects look small or the patient thinks them small. Vertigo as if torn and pulled with threads
Looks down on everything and everybody. Pains increase gradually. Headache commences on waking.
Changing moods, sad and gay alternately, laughs and cries by turns.
A fear, in the absence of her husband, that he would never return, that he would die, or be run over.
Fear, with trembling of hands and feet and confusion of ideas
Vertigo on sitting down or ascending stairs. Buzzing and noise in head.
Eyes, ear, nose
Cramp-like pain in edges of orbits. Painless twitchings round they eye.
Roaring, whizzing, and ringing in ears. Shocks in ears.
Dry coryza, often semi-lateral, numbness in nose and at root of nose.
Mouth and Throat
Sensation of coldness, with tingling and sensation of numbness throughout.
Pulsative digging in jaws, especially in evening. Sensation of coldness, especially in mouth.
Smarting and lancinating vesicles on lips, fissures in gums.
Cramp-like drawing in throat, like a constrictions. Lips dry and cracked.
Stomach and abdomen
Pinchings in umbilical region. Flatulent soreness, pressure or shocks, or else throbbing, shootings, and pinching
Pressing and bearing down in abdomen extending into pelvis.
Shootings in the side of abdomen and in umbilical region is relieved with Platinum.
Stool and Anus
The stool adhere to the rectum and anus like putty, or they may be hard as if burnt,constipation comes on while travelling.
Weak and exhausted feeling for two hours after stool, Sticky stools like soft clay.
Frequent itching, tingling, and tenesmus in anus, frequent itching, tingling, and tenesmus in anus.
Tenia and ascarides are discharged from rectum during evacuation and at other times.
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