Causes & Symptoms for Cuprum Sulphuricum
To relieve the symptoms of vomiting.
Incessant, spasmodic cough, worse at night
It causes forcible vomiting and much nausea.
In complaints of itching eruptions, Cuprum Sulph gives good results.
Mind and Head
For irritability with anxiety and indifference.
Mouth and Throat
Face painful and swollen so she can scarcely see, lips turned inside out.
Stomach and abdomen
Violent pain in stomach followed by faintness.
Tearing pains in the abdomen, Enlarged Liver with paleness of the face.
Stool and Anus
Stool with streaks of blood and tenesmus during stool.
Dull aching soreness in middle of tibia, when walking, better at rest, tenderness on pressure.
Itchiness, a kind of dry itch indicates Cuprum Sulph.
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