Causes & Symptoms for Cuprum metallicum
Cramps or convulsions is an indication for this remedy.
Spasms begin in fingers and toes and spreading from there become general.
Mental or bodily exhaustion from over-exertion of mind or loss of sleep.
Affections arising from suppressed skin troubles, exhaustion from overexertion of mind, or loss of sleep
Simple twitching of the fingers and toes to general convulsions indicates Cuprum met.
Cramps associated with purely nervous spasmodic affections of a general nature.
Convulsive cramps all over the body with twitching, jerking, trembling and blueness of the skin.
Mind and Head
Fixed ideas of imaginary occupations, pulling in the head, with vertigo, better by lying down indicates Cuprum metallicum.
External, burning shootings, in the side of the forehead, swelling of the head, with redness of the face.
Eyes, ear, nose
Convulsions and restless movements of the eyes. Eyes are turned upward.
Boring pain in and behind the ear. Stoppage of the nose indicates Cuprum met.
Mouth and Throat
Redness of the face. Burning sensation in the mouth indicates Cuprum met.
Dryness of the throat, with thirst. Swelling of the glands of the neck.
Stomach and abdomen
Vomiting, hiccoughs, and spasms better by drink of cold water. Cramps in the stomach.
Nausea, with inclination to vomit, extending from the abdomen to the gullet, violent pains in the abdomen, with great anxiety.
Stool and Anus
Bleeding of hemorrhoid, constipation, with great heat of body indicates Cuprum met.
Urinary complaints
Burning shootings in the urethra, during and subsequent to the emission of urine.
Female complaints
Spasmodic conditions that come on during menstruation Cuprum is useful.
Tonic contractions and jerkings of the fingers and toes. Menstruation too late, protracted, complaints before.
Neck and Back
Swelling of the glands of the neck. Starting of the hands, in the morning, after rising indicates Cuprum met.
There are cramps in the limbs, cramps in the calves and soles, contractions of the fingers and toes.
Cramping of the muscles of the chest; cramping of the calves; cramping all over.
Convulsions with flexion and extension are common to Cuprum. Cramps of limbs, contraction of joints.
Tetters, with yellow scales. Old ulcers, caries.
Twitching of little muscles and of single muscles to convulsions of all the muscles of the body. Great coldness of the body
The thumbs are first affected; they are drawn into the palms and then the fingers close down over them.
Cold air and cold wind worse, cold drinks better. Excessive sensibility of all the organs. Flushes of heat.
Tonic spasms with loss of consciousness, turning of the head backwards, redness of the eyes, salivation, and frequent emission of urine.
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