Causes & Symptoms for Cornus Circinata
A remedy for ulcerations of the mucous membranes, stomatitis.
Pain in pit of stomach, with distended abdomen.
Flushes of heat and coldness in alternation, followed by cold perspiration.
Heat of whole surface with itching, burning, or prickling sensations, worse by scratching or rubbing.
Mind and Head
Confusion of the mind, particularly on rising.
Loss of mental and physical energy is relieved with Cornus Circinata.
Headache, worse by walking, stooping, shaking head, better by coffee.
Throbbing pain in the temples and sides of the head.
Soreness of eyeballs, aching pains through them.
Heat and burning in face, without redness.
Mouth and Throat
Ulceration of tongue, gums, and mouth, from cold, or gastric derangement, aphthae.
Stomach and abdomen
Pain in the pit of the stomach during dinner, is relieved with Cornus Circinata
Chronic inflammation of liver is relieved with the medicine.
Nausea with bitter taste and aversion to all kinds of food, and desire for sour drinks.
Stool and Anus
Dark stool with tenesmus and burning in anus. Bearing-down pains in rectum and bowels, with urgent desire for stool.
Pressing pain in rectum, smarting at anus after the discharges.
Coldness of hands and feet after a loose stool.
Eczema, pruritus and similar affections of external genitals.
Drowsiness and depression of spirits.
Heat of head and face; in morning on rising.
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