Bismuthum Sub-Nitricum(Dilution)
Common Name: Precipitated Sub-Nitrate of Bismuth
Causes & Symptoms for Bismuthum Sub-Nitricum
To relieve the symptoms of painless diarrhea, the remedy has good results.
Its chief influence in the stomach and stomach region.
Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal.
Pressing pains in the eyes, head, abdomen, testicles.
Improves digestion and helps in relieving the pressure and heaviness felt in the stomach and body respectively.
Mind and Head
Sensation of weight in the forehead, temples and occiput.
Cutting or pressure above right orbit extending to occiput. Pressure in occiput; worse, motion; with heaviness.
Sleepy in morning, a few hours after eating.
Mouth and Throat
Sensation of soreness in the mouth.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea after every meal.
Vomiting of all fluids children
Stool and Anus
Urging to stool in the evening, without any evacuations indicates Bismuthum Sub-Nitricum.
Flushes of heat, especially on head and chest.
Sensation of heaviness in the inner parts.
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