SBL Calcarea Arsenicosum
Common name: Arsenite of Lime
Causes and Indications for SBL Calcarea Arsenicosum
Calcarea Arsenicosa is an important medicine for convulsions with rush of blood to the head before attack, aura is felt in region of heart and there is a flying sensation.
Calcarea arsenicosa is well indicated in complaints in fat women around climacteric, chronic malaria. Infantile enlarged liver and spleen are also seen in the patients of this medicine.
Calcarea Arsenicosa is the chief remedy in nephritis (inflammation/infection of kidneys) when there is pain in the kidney region. The kidney region is very sensitive to pressure. It is also useful in albuminuria. Passes urine every hour. Pain is more from slightest exertion. For the complaints of drunkards after abstaining from alcohol, calcarea arsenicosa can be thought of.
This medicine is also considered for fleshy women at menopause, slightest emotion causing palpitation (rapid and strong heartbeat). Shortness of breath with feeble heart, chilliness, albuminuria, dropsy have shown great results with calcarea arsenicosa.
The medicine has also shown positive results in complaints of spleen and mesenteric glands as well as low blood hemoglobin and RBC (red blood cells) count.
Calcarea Arsenicosa is also useful in headache which comes weekly with violent rush of blood to head and vertigo. Headache is better by lying on painful side.It is also useful in relief of palpitation caused by slightest emotions. Pain and constriction in heart region extending to arms.
– Anxiety about future, health. Anger. Fear of Birds.
– Slightest emotion causes palpitations. Sadness.
– Restlessness after midnight, 3 a.m.
– Desire for company. Confusion, delusions, illusions. Great depression.
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