Dr. Reckeweg Causticum (Mother Tincture)
Obtained by distilling a mixture of slaked lime and a solution of potassium sulfate.
Common Name: Potassium Hydrate.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Causticum
The leading feature of the Causticum effects is in voluntary and involuntary muscles.
Neuralgic affections are also common with this remedy and are generally of an obstinate character.
Causticum is useful in rock sensation in the body whether it is the throat, chest stomach, abdomen, back.
A characteristic of Causticum is Passing stool best standing.
Long lasting grief with deep, unexpressed sorrow, after effects of the complaints is relieved with help of Causticum
Convulsions, cramps, starting, restlessness, twitching is an indication for Causticum
The warts may be found on the face, hands, fingers, or the tip of the noise in this remedy.
Mind and Head
Intense sympathy for other sufferings, Weakness of memory, Tendency to make mistakes when speaking is an indication for Causticum.
Headache which draws and tears through the body, in the morning, sometimes on waking, Shooting pains, especially in the temples.
Eye, Ear and Nose
Warts of old standing in the eyebrows, on the upper eyelid is relieved with help of Causticum.
Difficulty in opening the eyes, with a sensation as if the eyelids were swollen with inflammation of eyes.
Scaly nose, externally and internally, with burning and itching is relieved with help of this medicine.
There is roaring, tinkling, humming and all sorts of noises in the ear.
Eruptions on scalp behind ears is relieved with help of Causticum.
Sneezing in the morning is relieved with help of Causticum.
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